Webinars ** Members only

CGDMS Presents ........

As a means of continuing in a changing environment we have moved to virtual meeting platforms. Below you will find our recordings of various sessions listed by title.

We sincerely hope that we have provided some helpful information to make your day more successful.

Be your own Disruptor

Karena Brawley – Amulet Coaching & Amulet Exploration Ltd.

Hidden Value in Old Data 

Mr. Jason Noble ~ Headwaters Seismic Processing

The Birth of an Atlas – CSPG 100 Anniversary Project

Mr. Ben McKenzie

Geoscience & Energy Transition

Canadian Society for Unconventional Resources (CSUR)

~ Kathleen Dorey

Mapping Your Future 

Navigating challenges while creating opportunities.

~Carrie Youzwishen

Making Well Data Work for you using AI – Presented by Paige Mamer with TGS

Guidelines and Tips for Handling Geologic Data in Projects persented by Taylor Lee with SeisWare.

Certified Petroleum Data Analyst (CPDA) ~

Terry Broughton, CPDA with TB Data Solutions Inc.and Petroleum Data Management Certification Committee (PDMCC)

Geothermal Energy:  Beyond the Data  ~Peter Bauman M.Sc., P.Geol & Neal Sutherland, BGIS ~ Eavor Technologies Inc.

Authentication and validation of Professional Work Products

        ~Dale Vanhooren P.Geoph. APEGA Professional Practice Team

Geoscience Data Governance. 

How do we articulate the value vs the risk?

        ~Chuck Brophy of Terra Management

The Future is Cloudy

What does this mean to You as a Data Manager?

        ~Jonathan Banyard from Virtuseis Data Ltd.

Seismic Acquisition Data Challenges

What data is required for designing and acquiring a seismic survey?

        ~Andrea Crook with OptiSeis Solutions Ltd.

Geomechanical Data

Why is public geomechanical data so hard to find?

          ~Amy Fox with Enlighten Geoscience Ltd.

Seismic Data Processing Explained ~ Recordings
Select and click on the title below, enter your name and email to listen to the file.

Stay tuned for information on our next set of webinars!